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The suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade in June 2018 reminded us once again that we don’t know enough about how to prevent suicide. AIME + do good was a connection, cocktails & cake soirée created to educate us: how do we care for friends who are struggling? Thanks to experts from Revivre and AMI Québec who shared their wisdom (and received the profits from the event), we learned about suicide and how to handle a friend who may be in danger. Here’s a How to Prevent Suicide cheat sheet for those who missed it.
We also crowdsourced your wisdom by asking those who attended: what helps you feel better when you’re down? Your advice is here. And what songs do you listen to when you need to feel better? We created a Spotify playlist, here.
“Testimonials that brought tears to my eyes, saluting the courage of people strong enough to talk about their rough patch, but also a feeling of being there together to talk about something that touches more people that we would like to believe. We came out of that night with a warm feeling and a light heart, a sentiment of togetherness that was deeply touching.
Café Pista gave us their space, CIRKA distilleries gave us their wonderful gin and vodka, RISE gave us fabulous kombucha and LOOP gave us delicious juices - so even the cocktails were good for us. And the wonderful Stéphanie at Patisserie Rhubarbe made us strawberry shortcakes that we won’t soon forget. Thank you all. Images courtesy of Isabelle Paille and Gustavo Federico.
Les suicides d'Anthony Bourdain et de Kate Spade en juin 2018 nous ont rappelé une fois de plus que nous ne savons pas comment prévenir le suicide. L’objectif de AIME + do good était de créer un moment de connexion, avec cocktails et gâteau, pour répondre à la question qui nous tracasse tous : comment reconnaitre et soutenir les amis qui souffrent, et quoi faire lorsqu’ils se confient à nous ? Les fonds recueillis ont étés donnés à Revivre et AMI Québec et leurs experts nous ont ont partagé leur expériences et leurs conseils.
Voici ce qu’on a appris, ici.