Food is the universal connector, so we've partnered with restaurants that are as generous as they are memorable. Thank you to every restaurant owner, dishwasher, waitress, sommelier and food supplier who has offered their time to help us eat + do good so that we can fight powerlessness together. Thanks to them, we nourish both our stomachs and our conscience.
PARTAGE + DO GOOD for new arrivals to Montreal @ KVR Kitchen @maison d'haïti 11.17
On Sunday, Nov. 19th, we brought together Montrealers who had gently used items to give away (clothes, toys etc) with newly arrived asylum seekers who needed those things. Together they shared a restaurant-worthy meal cooked by kvr kitchen and the tickets bought by Montrealers paid for the meals of their new friends. Boucherie Lawrence and la Ferme des Quatre Temps, as well as kvr kitchen, donated all the food. Funds raised will go in part to Maison d'Haïti, and partly to paying for transportation of furniture donations, in partnership with the YMCA Residence. Event photos by George Mavitzis.
for passages women'S shelteR
On Tuesday, May 16th, we raised $3939.50 for Passages, the only women's shelter of its kind in Montreal. The money we raised was used to offer the women of the shelter the kinds of extras we often take for granted: a space to garden, new towels, outings in the city, and some money left over for emergency repairs for the building. Thank you to Grumman '78 for hosting us.
Célébrez + do good TO COMBAT FOOD INSECURITY @ livart
We celebrated our anniversary with Food Jenga, a culinary feast created by culinary artist Mister Jaune. Seventy Montrealers gathered in contemporary art gallery le Livart to assemble and enjoy the signature dishes of four of Montreal's top restaurants, with their chefs: Foxy, Restaurant Orange Rouge, Le Bon Vivant, and Le Comptoir charcuteries et vins.
Together we raised $3390.45 for Moisson Montréal, which will allow them to give over fifty-thousand dollars worth of food to 250 community organizations around Montreal, at no charge. Thank you George Mavitzis and Olivier Blouin for the images below.

“It was a perfect evening. It involved engaging with strangers in the most beautiful way: through learning something new and outside of many people’s comfort zone, to benefit those in need. You raised awareness for something troubling by way of the most delightful, original, and joyful cooking game.”
A brunch with and for the asylum seekers who live at the YMCA Residence when they first arrive in Montreal - they welcome up to 700 people per month. The $5,962.07 we raised helped to pay for an educator for their daycare, French and English language classes, and outings to help new arrivals become accustomed to their new city. We were joined by some of their former residents, from Mexico, Syria and Haiti.

“I like to see people feeling good about themselves and I like to help people…These refugees leave behind their family, their way of living – everything. And coming to a foreign country, you have nothing -
no one knows you...But beyond compassion I have a lot of respect – to do this you have to be extremely solid, most of us don’t have the balls to do what these people do – (refugees are) super human people.”
EAT+DO GOOD to prevent indigenous suicide @ lawrence restaurant
Dialogue For Life is suicide prevention conference run by the indigenous, for the indigenous, using their healing traditions. They offer a 6-day conference every year to train and support those who fight suicide in these communities, and offers workshops and support to friends and family who are grieving. Following a wave of indigenous suicides in Attawapiskat and across Canada, we raised $7,188.52 (with the support of the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Canada, Mr. Geoffrey Kelley). Four days before that year's conference began, another boy committed suicide. The money we raised paid for fifteen of his friends and family to travel from northern Canada to Montreal and for their accommodation and conference fees, so that they could attend the conference, and get help.

“The evening was a great collaboration of dynamic people, gathering together in a cool space, sharing a great meal and learning about something raw and real. It shone a light on a needy cause and made it super accessible to help. We need more and more of these events to get people educated and involved!”
The Native Women's Shelter of Montreal was the first time WeDoSomething worked with the indigenous community, and it taught us more than any school about our government's treatment of the indigenous communities and culture. We raised $6,763.50 which helped them buy a van to all the things a shelter does: buy groceries, pick up women in emergency situations, drive women to court, and to their appointments. The restaurant's owners served us themselves, to help us keep costs down and donate the maximum to the cause.

““My favourite thing about WeDoSomething is the people you attracted, the people that came to the event – they were all super happy to be there, and they were super happy to be supporting the cause and so everyone had a smile on their face, no one was annoyed with anything, that was wonderful for us as restaurant owners…and there is no middle man – we’re going to see what we did, and we’re going to see that van…and we’re going to know we did that. That’s amazing! It’s not like going through a charity and you don’t know where your $100 is going...we literally know where it went, we chose the cause (together). I think that’s awesome. “”